Monday, 22 November 2010

I Did This Awhile Ago...

If you're an active DeviantArtist like me, you'll know about Dianae's AMAZING digital art. Because my awesome friend Ruxxy (who sometimes goes under the 'guise of BooWow_1998) wrote a book. We decided not to use this in the end, in favour of something more simple, but seeing as I can't make anymore tutorials for awhile, I thought I'd show you guys it :)

Click to enlarge - it's HUGE!

- Hunni x x x


  1. Whoa :]
    They're amazing! I wish I could do them :L
    I try, but my results don't come out amazing x]

  2. It's beautiful! It looks like the cover of a book, really amazing.

  3. Reminds me of Aniversary Lara's face. How it's set out.

  4. I love itttt!


  5. Does it? Lara's eyes are wider... And her nose is shorter, and obviously the lips are bigger XD

    Thanksyouguys :)

  6. Ohh what is her (and your!) Deviant art??

  7. Scratch the HER part. I know Diane. She made that ammmmaaazzziinngg tutorial of the China girl. I love her art!

  8. Woah! That is amazing and beautiful!

  9. I want to be able to make hair like you do ): (Supposed to be Daphne Groeneveld xD)

  10. I have wanted to be a graphic designer for now three years of my life. I seem to have only stuck to Stardoll graphics which has so far got me no where. I have searched and searched for something that I could set my goal for something I want to, by the end of my life, be able to just about or get as near as I can to. I have decided, I want to some day draw as well as you, becase that, Alice, is amazing!
    It has literally blown my mind. The attention to detail is absolutely pheonominal. You are truly an amazing artist. You need to sell these because you would be a millionare. You are my new role model. I shall now go and stick a massive sign on my wall saying "I want to draw like her!!!" Haha XD

    And Irene, you have so much talent. That is also truly beautiful!

    Z x


Leave me a comment, I like to read them, I like to cry at them, laugh at them and I also like to look at them and say to myself "hm... he/she must be on drugs"

- Hunni x x x